Dear Colleague Letter in Support of Scientists Impacted by the Conflict in Ukraine

Message from the Director

Questions and Answers (Q&As) Related to the Dear Colleague Letter

The Dear Colleague letter announces our ongoing willingness to consider requests for additional funds to existing awards to enhance those awards' ability to reach their scientific objectives. Please note the following points:

  • No additional funds have been appropriated by the Congress.
  • No funds have been set aside to support impacted students and scientists.
  • Requests for supplemental funding compete against all other requests for funding.
  • The SC mission is to deliver scientific discoveries and major scientific tools to transform our understanding of nature and advance the energy, economic, and national security of the United States.
  • SC is not authorized to provide supplemental funding solely for humanitarian purposes.

Does DOE have a list of students or scientists impacted by the conflict in Ukraine seeking collaboration?

At present DOE does not have a list of students or scientists impacted by the conflict in Ukraine seeking collaboration.

Is this opportunity available for awards funded through the SBIR/STTR programs?


Can a supplement request include funds for travel and accommodation?

Costs requested must conform to all institutional policies relating to recruitment, visas, relocation, and subsistence.

Are there guidelines on the amount of funding that can be requested?

In addition to supporting salary of the scientist, costs requested must conform to all institutional policies relating to recruitment, visas, relocation, and subsistence. Please discuss the scope and budget for the supplement request with your program manager.

Can applications for supplemental funding request support for remote collaborations with students or scientists still in Ukraine?

Yes, supplemental applications can request support for remote collaborations with students or scientists still in Ukraine.

Can funding be used to support students or scientists impacted by the conflict in countries outside of Ukraine?

Funding is available to advance existing research awards by funding students or scientists who are impacted or displaced due to the conflict in Ukraine, including any researcher who was working in a Ukrainian institution.

Can a supplement request support existing students from Ukraine working in my laboratory?

Supplemental funding may be requested for any number of reasons. The Dear Colleague letter issued by the Office of Science publicized the availability of funding to accelerate research by supporting additional personnel who are impacted or displaced due to the conflict in Ukraine.

How will supplemental funding allow me to collaborate with students and researchers impacted by the conflict in Ukraine?

Supplemental funding to increase the pace of activity on a research award could be used to directly support students and researchers at your institution, to form subawards to other institutions (foreign or domestic), or to fund individual consultants. Your institution can advise which pathways are most feasible for your intended collaborators.

May I apply for this funding if I am not currently funded by SC?

No, this opportunity is only available to currently funded SC projects.

May I apply for funding if I work at a DOE national laboratory?

No, the opportunity outlined in the Dear Colleague Letter is focused on supplemental funding via financial assistance (grants and cooperative agreements) to universities and institutions of higher education.

If an award is in a no-cost extension, may a supplement be requested?

Yes, but only for the remaining time on the award.

May a co-principal investigator (co-PI) request a supplement?

No. Supplemental requests are submitted by the recipient institution. Supplemental requests are made to the overall award and must name the PI of the overall award as the PI on the supplemental request, even if another person will bear primary responsibility for the supplemental effort.

Should I submit a biographical sketch for students?

Yes, please submit a biographical sketch for all additional personnel covered by the supplement request, including students.

Is there a time period during which supplemental funds should be expended?

Supplemental funds should be expended in the time remaining on the award.

How should I submit a supplement request that spans budget periods of the existing award?

If a proposed supplement spans two budget periods, the supplement budget request must be split to align with the budget periods of the award. The first budget period of the supplement would fall from the proposed start date through the date that the current budget period ends. The second budget period of the supplement must align with the next budget period of the award.

May support for students or scientists impacted by the conflict in Ukraine be incorporated in a new or renewal application?

Yes, funds may be requested to collaborate with students or scientists impacted by the conflict in Ukraine in a new or renewal application.

May a supplement be requested to help a student or researcher impacted by the conflict in Ukraine reach safety?

No. The Office of Science is appropriated funds by Congress to sponsor scientific research to advance its mission. Humanitarian operations are conducted by other parts of the Federal government. Requests for supplemental funding must be justified by their ability to enhance ongoing research activities.

How can DOE help with visas?

Funding to cover salary is a critical part of a U.S. visa request, and supplemental funding should help in this regard. Beyond funding, the Office of Science principal investigator, Ukrainian student or scientist, and the hosting institution should first work together through established procedures at the hosting institution to determine potential visa related options. If specific hurdles arise that can potentially be resolved by intervention, DOE can work with other U.S. agencies and provide additional guidance or otherwise try to find a solution.