Can Electricity Flow Without Electrons?
Strange metals defy the 60-year-old understanding of electric current as a flow of discrete charges.
Strange metals defy the 60-year-old understanding of electric current as a flow of discrete charges.
Ultrafast X-ray scattering and advanced numerical simulations decode distinct molecular structures and their equilibration dynamics in metal-metal complexes.
Scientists Gain new insights into the nature of the puzzling lambda 1405 hyperon resonance and its controversial partner.
Scientists are closing in on a major cornerstone of nuclear physics, Tin-100.
Scientists demonstrated a new way to produce the superheavy element livermorium (element 116) with titanium-50.
Integrating machine learning with real-time adaptive control produces high-performance plasmas without edge instabilities, a key for future fusion reactors.
New lattice simulations compute the spin and density correlations in neutron matter that affect neutrino heating during core-collapse supernovae.
Researchers open a new avenue for future brain-inspired computer hardware.
Robotic stacking of 2D layers provides the atomically clean interfaces critical for high performance assembled materials.
By examining tiny fragments from one of our nearest cosmic neighbors, scientists uncovered more about the history of our solar system.
Ultrafast X-ray experiments provide direct evidence that interaction of light with a hydrocarbon molecule produces strained molecular rings.
Solving quantum many-body problems with wavefunction matching.